Baptist Distinctives
Baptist Distinctives are:
B iblical Authority Baptists believe that Bible is the only and the sufficient authority for what to believe and what to practice. 2 Tim 3:16-17
A utonomy of the Local Church Each local church is sovereign in itself and cannot be controlled by any board, hierarchical system or another church. 1 Tim 3:15
P riesthood of Believers Every "born-again" believer may pray without a human intercessor directly to God through Jesus Christ as High Priest. Rev 1:5-6
T wo Ordinances (Baptism and The Lord's Table) Believer's baptism for identification with the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.
The Lord's Table is a memorial service involving worship, fellowship and self examination. The elements of the service (bread and cup) are only symbolic of the body and blood of Christ. Acts 2:41-42
I ndividual Soul Liberty Every man has the right to interpret the Scriptures, to hold and to profess and to worship as he believes the Bible teaches. These things are not to be forced upon any man. 1 John 2:27
S aved Church Membership The membership of a New Testament local church consists of only those who have openly confessed Jesus Christ as Saviour and demonstrated a willingness to obey the teachings of the Bible and agree to the doctrine and standards of the local church. Acts 2:42, 47
T wo Offices (Pastor and Deacons) The offices of pastor and deacon are the only Bible recognized offices in the local church. Both are chosen by the congregation. Phil 1:1
S eparation of Church and State Every believer should respect, sustain and obey civil authority so long as is does not cause violation to conscience or Scriptural convictions. There should be no union of church and state, but the state should protect, not dominate or interfere with, the affairs of the church. Matt 22:21
Scripture References